Personality Changes
Personality changes after stressful situations. Enduring personality change may follow the experience of catastrophic stress. The stress must be so extreme that it is unnecessary to consider personal vulnerability in order to explain its profound effect on the personality. Examples include concentration camp experiences, torture, disasters, prolonged exposure to life threatening circumstances (e.g. hostage situations - prolonged captivity with an imminent possibility of being killed).
Eating Disorders
Eating disorder contain anorexia nervosa, bulimia or binge eating, Pica. These disorders are seen much frequently in females. Anorexia nervosa is now a days much talked about condition. This often affect young adolescent girls. It is characterized by the triad of loss of appetite, extreme weight loss and stoppage of menstruation. Person is sometimes reduced to skin and bone and in extreme cases may be life threatening. Bulimia or binge eating is somewhat opposite of anorexia nervosa. Person indulges in episodes (binges) of excessive eating of specially fatty and high calorie intake in a very short time, and often starts getting guilty of it and then vomits, often voluntarily and gets depressed. Pica is eating inedible things, like mud, plaster of walls etc.